Quality Clouds Jenkins Plugin

The Quality Clouds Jenkins plugin allows you to integrate your Quality Clouds scans into your DevOps / Continuous Integration pipelines.The plugin executes scans of ServiceNow or Salesforce instances, and can be configured to mark the build as failed if any of the following conditions occurs:

  1. The total number of issues exceeds a given threshold
  2. The total amount of hours of Technical Debt exceeds a given threshold
  3. The Quality of Cloud indicator is below a given threshold
  4. The total number of high severity issues exceeds a given threshold

Installing the plugin

The plugin is available on the standard Jenkins Plugin Repository (https://plugins.jenkins.io/qualityclouds).

It is available for Jenkins versions 2.138.1 and above.

If for any reason you can not access the standard Jenkins plugin repository, you can request the hpi file from help@qualityclouds.com, and install the plugin manually.

Creating the API credentials secret file

You need to add the Quality Clouds API key to the Jenkins Credentials. 

This key is made available to you once you complete your onboarding process as a Quality Clouds customer. The key needs to be stored as a "Secret File" credential in Jenkins. This credential may be in the default Global domain, or if you prefer to define a specific domain for Quality Clouds, it must be a domain using the "hostname" specification.

The steps below show how to configure the credential in a domain. If you are using the Global domain you can skip directly to Step 4.

→ To configure the credential in a domain

  1. In Jenkins, choose Add a domain.
  2. Enter the new domain information. Make sure the specification is of type hostname, and that the included hostname list contains "qualityclouds.com". Leave the exclude list empty.
  3. Add the credential to the domain. 
  4. Configure the credential by setting the kind must be to Secret file and uploading the API key on a file to the credential, where it will be securely stored. 

Configuring the plugin

Proceed to configuring the plugin once you have created the credentials. 

→ To configure the plugin

  1. Set up a new Freestyle project.
  2. Add a Quality Clouds Instance Scan build step. 
  3. In step configuration, use the credential you created previously. 
  4. Enter your SaaS instance URL (either ServiceNow or Salesforce), and the rest of the parameters which define the conditions to fail the build. 

The Instance URL must match the URL you used when you defined your instance on the Quality Clouds admin portal.

Viewing build results

Once the build completes successfully, you are able to examine the main Quality Clouds indicators for the scan via the ScanResult link.

If the build fails, the link highlights the reason why the build was failed.

What's here

Related content

Quality Clouds on Jenkins Plugin Repository - https://plugins.jenkins.io/qualityclouds

Last modified on Feb 16, 2021