Available system properties

This article is based on the ServiceNow documentation article. See the original article on the ServiceNow doc site: ServiceNow: Available system properties.

Some properties are available on a system properties form, but some lesser-used properties are available only from the System Property [sys_properties] table. Sometimes, the property does not exist in a base instance, but can be added if you change the value.

The Instance Security Hardening Settings content contains detailed descriptions, and compliance values, for the security-related system properties and plugins in the Now Platform. To learn more about each of these properties, see Instance Security Hardening Settings.


Specifies the number of seconds that RESTMessageV2 and SOAPMessageV2 APIs wait for a response from a synchronous call. The maximum value is 30 seconds.

To define a timeout longer than 30 seconds, set the glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled system property to false and use the waitForResponse() method to set the timeout. For examples, see Asynchronous RESTMessageV2 example and Asynchronous SOAPMessageV2 example. If glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled is set to true and a value is passed in the waitForResponse() method, the system uses the smallest value from either the waitForResponse() method or the glide.http.outbound.max_timeout system property.

  • Type: integer
  • Default value: 30
  • Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.

All system properties

To see all available system properties, refer to ServiceNow: Available system properties.

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ServiceNow: Available system properties

Last modified on Jun 30, 2020