
Check all the details on your ServiceNow catalogs, including categories, items and variables.

Ways to use this view

  • If you're a platform owner, here you can see your big picture on catalogs.

What data is shown

The Catalog view shows the following information:


In the Catalogs section, you can see the information the catalogs configured in the ServiceNow instance. 


The widget shows you the following elements:

  • Catalogs shows the total number of catalogs configured in the ServiceNow instance. (add %variation definition here)
  • % Variation shows the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan.
  • Active shows the number of active catalogs.
  • Inactive shows the number of inactive catalogs.
  • Trend (overtime) shows the progress of the metric over time.

Graph - Number of catalogs

The graph shows the number of catalogs by active and inactive. 


See the list of all catalogs and their details.

You can sort the table columns to see relevant information first.

You can open each catalog to see its' details.

Catalog categories

In the Catalog categories section, you can see the information on the logical groupings for catalogs. 


The widget shows you the following elements:

  • Catalog categories shows the total number of all categories.
  • % Variation shows the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan.
  • Active shows the number of active categories. 
  • Inactive shows the number of inactive categories. 
  • Trend (overtime) shows the progress of the metric over time.

Graph - Catalog categories

The graph shows the number of Catalog categories by active and inactive.


See the list of all catalog categories and catalogs assigned to these.

You can sort the table columns to see, for example, the # Items column to see the category with most items.

You can open each catalog to see its' details.

Catalog items

In the Catalog items section, you can see the information on all the catalog items you have defined.


The widget shows you the following elements:

  • Catalog items shows you the total number of items.
  • % Variation shows the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan.
  • Active shows the number of active items across catalogs. 
  • Inactive shows the number of inactive items across catalogs. 
  • Active from Item Designer shows the number of active items created in Item Designer. 
  • Inactive from Item Designer shows the number of inactive items created in Item Designer. 
  • Trend (overtime) shows the progress of the metric over time.


Number of catalog items

The graph shows the number of catalog items by active and inactive. 

From Item Designer

The graph shows the number of catalog items created in Item Designer by active and inactive. 

Chart - Catalog Items

Shows you the number of catalog items per catalog.


See the list of all items per each catalog.

You can sort the table columns to see, for example, the Service Catalog column to see only items for service catalog.

Catalog variables

In the Catalog variables section, you can see the issues related to catalogs. 


The widget shows you the following elements:

  • Catalog variables shows the total number of catalog variables (which capture and pass on information about choices a customer makes when ordering a catalog item). 
  • Variable sets shows the total number of variable sets (groupings of variables as defined by administrators). 


The grid shows the list of all Duplicate variables ID and their names.

Duplicate variables are catalog variables whose names match or are similar.

Catalog issues

In the Catalog issues section, you can see the issues related to catalogs. 


The widget shows you the following elements:

  • Catalog issues shows the total number of issues detected on a catalog-specific Configuration Elements.


See the list of all issues related to catalogs.

You can sort the table columns to see, for example, the Application column to see only issues related to specific application.

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Last modified on Dec 4, 2020