Code duplication best practices

This page documents the impact and remediation activities which should be undertaken whenever Quality Clouds reports an issue of code duplication.

Best PracticeConfiguration Element TypeIssue SeverityImpact Area
Code DuplicationApex ClassHIGH (if total number of duplicated lines is over 1000)Manageability
Code DuplicationApex ClassMEDIUM (if total number of duplicated lines is between 100 and 1000)Manageability
Code DuplicationApex ClassLOW (if total number of duplicated lines is between 10 and 100)Manageability
Code DuplicationApex TriggerHIGH (if total number of duplicated lines is over 1000)Manageability
Code DuplicationApex TriggerMEDIUM (if total number of duplicated lines is between 100 and 1000)Manageability
Code DuplicationApex TriggerLOW (if total number of duplicated lines is between 10 and 100)Manageability

Last modified on Dec 11, 2019