Code monitor

Compare the code of two instances or two versions of the same instance over time with new Code Monitor view. It is a parallel rendering of two instances or two versions of the same instance at different scan dates. 

Click Highlight differences slider on the view header to highlight all the cells that differ in content between the instances or versions. 

You can also choose to show All Elements, Only Active Elements or Only Inactive Elements

Ways to use this view

  • If you're an architect, here you can understand the inventory in volumes and types of development assets overtime and between environments.
  • If you're an admin, you can use this to review differences between environments, before you deploy.

What data is shown

To compare the code, you need to first select the instance and the scan to which you want to compare.

→ To do that, select the Target environment, and the Scan date

You can also filter down to the application level, to compare the same application over time, or the same application in two different instances. 

→ Specify the Application for both code versions compared. 

The (Beta) Code Monitor view shows the following information in a side-by-side comparison mode:

  • Instance selection, including Target environment and Scan date
  • General instance information, such as the Version and Patch
  • Lines of code scanned
  • Inventory, i.e. Apps, New CEs and Total CEs
  • Application selection to filter down the configuration elements compared
  • List of configuration elements and their number compared

    All CEs that differ between one code base and the other are highlighted for ease of comparison. 

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Last modified on Dec 7, 2020