Compare issues

This view helps you compare the open and closed issues between two different scans.

You can use it to compare two successive scans to understand which existing issues have been closed properly and which new ones have been added. Or you can use it to compare two remote scan dates and see the progression of issues over time. 

To compare issues, you need to choose a scan date to compare to. You can use both scan date filters to choose two scans of your interest. 

Ways to use this view

  • If you're an architect or a platform admin, you can use this view to compare the issues introduced over time. This is used to identify issues introduced between al scans, and helps to identify trends or common temporal situations.

What data is shown

The Compare issues view shows the following information:

In this view, unlike in many others, you cannot navigate between the widgets. These are not interactive. 

Widget - Quality of Cloud

The widget shows you the following elements:

  • Quality of Cloud indicator
  • % Variation shows the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan.
  • the issue number according to the baseline ruleset. See more about baseline
  • the benchmark
  • trend (overtime) shows the progress of the metric over time.

Widget - Issues

The widget shows the following details:

  • total number of issues of all severities detected in the last scan (each issue is a single non-compliance with best practice)
  • the % variation which is the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan
  • the issue information from the previous scan
  • the number of issues that have been written off
  • the issue number according to the baseline ruleset. See more about baseline
  • the benchmark
  • the number of issues reported for custom rules
  • the number of issues reported for ServiceNow rules
  • the number of issues reported for JavaScript rules
  • the number of issues reported for data privacy rules
  • the trend over time

Widget - Technical debt

The widget shows the following details:

  • the current technical debt
  • the % variation which is the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan
  • the technical debt information from the previous scan
  • the Global technical debt (TD) which shows the technical debt including all non-coding activities, such as analysis, project management, testing and release management
  • the technical debt according to the baseline ruleset. See more about baseline
  • the benchmark

Graph - Issues created between scans

The graph shows you all the issues created between two scans. 

You can hover over each bar to see the actual number and issues type.

Displaying issues that have been solved between two scans

Here you can see all the issues that have been closed between one scan and the other. 

→ To display issues closed

  1. Specify the scan dates for the period you want to review by selecting the Scan in the filters.
  2. Choose Issues solved between scans option from the Status filter. 

The graph and its corresponding table below now show all the issues that have been closed between your selected scan dates. 

Displaying net issue change

Here you can see the net issue change between one scan date and another. 

→ To display the net issue change

  1. Specify the scan dates for the period you want to review by selecting the Scan in the filters.
  2. Choose Net issue change option from the Status filter. 

The graph and its corresponding table below now show the total net issue change by issue type between your selected scan dates. 

The green bars indicate issues types with a decreased number of issues, whereas the red bars indicate issue types that have increased the number of issues. 

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Last modified on Dec 7, 2020