Compare multiple instances

Compare multiple instances view is the perfect command and control panel to ensure that your instances are aligned. You can compare up to four instances or four different scan dates. 

It contains information about the configuration elements added into each instance as well as the number of integrations for each of them. 

Ways to use this view

  • If you're a release manager, you can use this view to manage multiple instances and ensure that they are aligned

  • If you're an architect, an admin or a platform owner, you can compare up to 4 instances and their main KPIs in order to understand the difference between environments.
  • If you have a get-well program running you will be able to see the reduction of technical debt easily.

What data is shown

To compare the instances, you need to first select the instance or instances and the scans with which you want to compare. You can compare up to 4 instances. 

→ To do that, select the Instance, and the Scan date

The Compare multiple instances view shows the following information in a side-by-side comparison mode:

  • Instance selection, including Instance and Scan date

  • General instance information, such as the Version and Patch

  • The details of Issues - including current number of issues, percentage variation, issues from previous scan, issues written off, the issues according to the baseline, and the benchmark information, as well as the trend of issues over time
  • The details of Technical debt - including current technical debt, percentage variation, technical debt for previous scan, the global technical debt, the technical debt according to the baseline, and the benchmark information, as well as the trend of technical debt over time
  • The information on the Quality of Cloud - including current Quality of Cloud, percentage variation, the Quality of Cloud according to the baseline, and the benchmark information, as well as the trend of Quality of Cloud over time
  • Configuration elements information - including the current number, percentage variation, and the benchmark information
  • Lines of code scanned - including the current number, percentage variation and the benchmark information

  • Out of the box (OOTB) modified elements for the instance - including the current number, percentage variation, the information from the previous scan and the trend over time
  • Integrations information - including information on the current number of SOAP messages, REST messages, and integration plugins

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Last modified on Oct 7, 2020