Configure keyword search for catalog items

This article is based on the ServiceNow documentation article. See the original article on the ServiceNow doc site: ServiceNow: Configure keyword search for catalog items.

When you search for a catalog item by a keyword in Service Catalog, the search results are displayed by considering a few fields of the catalog table. If the keyword does not have exact matches, its closest matches are displayed as Did you mean suggestions. This search functionality is also applicable in Service Portal.

Role required: admin

When you search for a catalog item by a keyword in Service Catalog, the search results are displayed by considering a few fields of the catalog table. If the keyword does not have exact matches, its closest matches are displayed as Did you mean suggestions. This search functionality is also applicable in Service Portal.The search results are sorted in the following order based on the frequency of the keyword:

  • Catalog items whose Name field contains the keyword (top).
  • Catalog items whose Meta field contains the keyword.
  • Catalog items whose Description or Short description field contains the keyword.
  • Categories whose Name or Description field contains the keyword.
  • Catalogs whose Name or Description field contains the key term, or the catalog items whose Class field contains the keyword (bottom).

  • If your organization has multiple service catalogs, a search returns results only from the catalog being viewed.
  • Search results return an item only when the item is active, has a valid catalog and category association, and you are authorized to view the item.

→ To configure keyword search

  1. Complete the following steps to regenerate a text index for the sys_metadata table.
    1. Navigate to System Definition > Text Indexes.
    2. Open the text index for the Application File [sys_metadata] table.
    3. Click the Regenerate Text Index related link and click OK. The system schedules the table for the text indexing.
  2. Complete the following steps to enable the Did you mean suggestions.
    1. Navigate to System Properties > Text Search.
    2. Under the Did You Mean Properties section, enable the Suggest alternate search spellings for knowledge, catalog or global search property.

Last modified on Jun 29, 2020