Managing rulesets

Rulesets are sets of rules that are applied to a platform scan. 

You can manage and customize your rulesets from the Rulesets section in the Admin portal. This is a Quality Clouds admin action, available for admin users in the Admin portal.

Reviewing rulesets

If you've just set up your Quality Clouds environment, we recommend that you review the baseline ruleset which will be applied to your first scan. 

You can quickly review all the rules used by Quality Clouds, or check out the rules by specific SaaS configuration element of by impact area. 

→ To review a ruleset

  1. In the Quality Clouds Admin portal, go to Rulesets section. Your existing ruleset is displayed. 

You can now filter out the information that is interesting for you, such as severity, impact area, time to fix, etc. to review rules of your interest. 

Customizing rulesets

As you customize your rules - ignore or overwrite them - you are going to see updated values for your top-level KPIs, such as the Quality of Cloud, technical debt, etc. as well as for the total number of issues. You are always able to compare the values to the baseline ones in the dashboards and in the summary emails you receive. 

Ignoring rules

You can remove specific rules from a ruleset that is applied to a scan.

→ To ignore an individual rule

  1. In the Quality Clouds Admin portal, go to Rulesets section. 
  2. Search for the rule you want to exclude, and click on the  Ignore rule icon.

The rule will now be excluded from the ruleset applied to your scan. 

Once ignored, a rule can no longer be edited. 

Customizing rules

Custom rules are rules defined by you, which ignore or override specific rules of the default set of best practices provided by Quality Clouds. The quality metrics obtained by applying this set of rules, are labeled as Custom Ruleset Metrics, and are displayed in a prominent place in the dashboards.

You can customize individual rules by changing their severity and time to fix. This will change the overall calculation of your instance profile. 

→ To customize a rule

  1. In the Quality Clouds Admin portal, go to Rulesets section. 
  2. Search for the rule you want to exclude, and click on the  Rewrite rule icon. 
  3. Choose the new desired severity, and/or modify the time to fix for the rule.
  4. Click Save.

The rule has now been changed, and will be taken into account in the next scan. 

Adding rule thresholds

For all the rules that are based on a threshold (usually related to instance and org configuration rather than code), you can add a new set of conditions as well as corresponding severity and time to fix. This way you can customize the behavior of a rule to your specific conditions.

→ To add rule threshold

  1. In the Quality Clouds Admin portal, go to Rulesets section. 
  2. Search for the rule you want to customize, and click on the Edit rule icon. This opens a rule edit screen.
  3. Review the default threshold and overwrite it or click Add threshold.
  4. You can assign value for greater than and less or equal than, as well as the desired Severity and Time to fix
  5. Click Save.

Every time a scan detects the element has reached the threshold values, it will now create an issue with the characteristics you defined. 

All issues with multiple thresholds and different severities have the Variable severity when displayed in the Ruleset table.

Restoring rules

→ To restore a rule to default setting

  1. In the Quality Clouds Admin portal, go to Rulesets section. 
  2. Search for the rule you want to restore. You can filter on the rule status by selecting rewritten  or ignored value.
  3. Once you located the rule you want to restore, click on the  Restore to default icon to restore a rewritten rule, or on the  Enable rule to enable an ignored rule. 

The rule has now been restored.

Updating in batch

You can update several rules at the same time. For example, you can filter for all rules relating to a specific CE type, or of specific impact area or severity and perform the following actions:

  • ignore multiple rules
  • rewrite multiple rules to the same values (severity, and/or time to fix)
  • restore rules

Updating rules in batch

Restoring rules in batch

Copying rulesets

You can reuse en existing custom ruleset from one instance to another, by copying it.

→ To copy a ruleset

  1. In the Quality Clouds Admin portal, go to Rulesets section. 
  2. Select an instance from which you want to copy your ruleset.
  3. Click the Copy ruleset.
  4. Select one or more instances for which you want to copy to, and confirm.

You have now copied the ruleset to other instances, and it will be applied in the next scan.

Currently it is not possible to copy the customized threshold values you might have added. 

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Related content

Rules and rulesets

Last modified on Feb 23, 2021