Managing users

Review the existing users, add and activate new ones and remove or disactivate the ones that are no longer needed. Here you can also reset user credentials, assign roles and assign portal views.

This is a Quality Clouds admin action, available for admin users in the admin portal.

Adding users

Add all the users for people who will be using the Quality Clouds portals. You can also add other Admin users. 

→ To add an instance or org

  1. Login to the Quality Clouds Admin portal at
  2. Go to Account section.
  3. In the Users tab, click the  Add button. The new user window opens. 
  4. Fill in the form with the following information:
    • On the General tab: 
      • First name
      • Last name
      • Email
      • ServiceNow/Salesforce/Office 365 views - assign the view to which the user will have access to.
      • Role - you can assign the following roles: Normal user, Customer admin.
      • Scan Launcher - this setting will enable the user to launch scans manually from the Admin portal.
      • Active - this setting will create the user in Active state.
    • On the Credentials tab:
      • Username
      • Password 
      • Password confirmation
      • Expiration - set the default expiration period. You can choose between 15, 30 and 90 days. You may want to refer to your company security policy. 
      • Password changed
      • Send activation link - this will send an email with the activation link directly to the user's email
      • Force change - this setting will enforce a password change once a user logs in.
  5. Click Add to save the changes.

You have just added a new user to your account. 

Editing and removing users

Whenever needed, you can edit user details or remove users. 

→ To edit a user

  1. Login to the Quality Clouds Admin portal at
  2. Go to Account section.
  3. Expand the Users tab, and look for the user you want to edit.
  4. Click the  Edit button. The user definition window opens. 
  5. Edit the necessary details, and click Save.

You have now edited the user.

→ To remove a user

  1. Login to the Quality Clouds Admin portal at
  2. Go to Account section.
  3. Expand the Users tab, and look for the user you want to edit.
  4. Click the  Delete button. 
  5. Confirm the removal.

You have now removed the user. 

Inactive user's delection

→ To activate the automatic inactive user's deletion contact support

With this feature enabled, the users that had been inactive for more than 9 months, will be deleted from the platform automatically and all their activity anonymized.

Resetting user credentials

You can reset the user credentials for your colleagues.

→ To reset user credentials

  1. Login to the Quality Clouds Admin portal at
  2. Go to Account section.
  3. Expand the Users tab, and look for the user you want to reset credentials for.
  4. Click the  Edit button. The user definition window opens. 
  5. Navigate to the Credentials tab, and type in a new password and password confirmation.
  6. Click Force change to enable the password reset after the user logs in with the newly assigned password.
  7. Click Save to confirm the change. 

You have now change the user password. Once your user logs in with the newly set password, they will be asked to change it to their own. 

Assigning portal views

You can add and remove portal views as needed. See more about views.

→ To assign the views

  1. Login to the Quality Clouds Admin portal at
  2. Go to Account section.
  3. Expand the Users tab, and look for the user you want to reset credentials for.
  4. Click the  Edit button. The user definition window opens. 
  5. Assign or remove the views user has access to, by checking and unchecking the entries in the following fields:
    • ServiceNow views
    • Salesforce views
    • Office 365 views
  6. Click Save  to save your changes.

You have now change the view permissions for your user. 

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Last modified on Jan 18, 2023