Operational scans

This is an add-on to Quality Clouds. See our solutions and pricing for more information: https://www.qualityclouds.com/contact/.

Operational scans complement the Quality Clouds for ServiceNow quality and governance scans, providing insights and alerts about the run time behavior of your SaaS instances.

You can run them against production environments, but they can also be configured for sub-production environments. 

The below table lists the differences in approach between the Quality and Governance scans and the Operational Scans.

Quality & governanceOperational
Main intentMeasure the quality and govern changes on your pre-production environmentsGain insights about the run time behaviour of the instance, and about user adoption profile
Suggested environmentAny pre-production / ProductionProduction
Suggested frequencyWeeklyDaily
Running time HoursMinutes
Source data analysedCode and configuration, transaction logTransaction log, events log, user profiles 
CustomisationCustom rules to raise ad-hoc issue types

Configure thresholds for alert events

Custom operational metrics on request

Metrics and alerts

The Quality Clouds operational scans capture the value of a number of metrics on each scan.

Some of the metrics are broken down by one or more dimensions (for instance, users per role and users per department). Also, metrics, and their derived alerts, can be classified in one of the following categories:

  • User adoption
  • Error detection
  • Performance
  • Resource usage

We monitor selected metrics for each SaaS platform:

Operational alerts

Alerts allow you to receive notifications whenever the value of any operational metric does not match what you expect.  

Alerts can be set against any of the operational metrics described above.

All the alerts information is displayed in Alerts overview dashboard for your SaaS platform. 

→ To add an alert

  1. In the Admin portal, go to Instances section.
  2. Click Actions > Alerts.  A list of alert templates is displayed. 
  3. Select the alert you want to use, and click Import. The selected alert has now been imported and will apply to your instance. 
  4. If needed, you can change the following information:
    • Type: select Custom (do not use Template for single instance) 
    • Name
    • Description
    • Severity: High, Medium, Low, Warning, Info
    • Metric (name)
    • Trigger type: Threshold or Range (comparisons always include the value specified - i.e. are done with equals of greater / lesser than)
    • Threshold: Below or Above
    • Threshold value
    • Notification: Mail/UI/Silent
    • Impact
    • Action
  5. Click Save

Alternatively, you can request an alert creation by providing the following information through an email to help@qualityclouds.com:

  • Metric name for which the alert will apply
  • Whether the alert will compare the metric value against a single threshold or against a range of values (comparisons always include the value specified - i.e. are done with equals of greater / lesser than)
    • If a threshold, the value of the threshold, and whether the alert should be raised if the actual value is above or below the threshold
    • If a range, the lower and upper bounds of the range, and whether the alert should be raised is the actual value is within or outside the threshold

Last modified on Feb 16, 2021