Quality Clouds Release Notes

Release date: 8th September 2020


  • We're now checking for moment.js vulnerabilities in your  open-source libraries

Our analysis now includes the following known vulnerabilities for both ServiceNow and Salesforce:

DescriptionSeverityImpact area
moment.js - Regular Expression Denial of Service VulnerabilityHighSecurity

Quality Clouds for ServiceNow

  • Curious about Live Check usage? Check out our Live Check Activity view showing you who and how is checking their code in Visual Studio Code!

The Quality Clouds extensions for Visual Studio Code connects to our centralized, curated set of best practices and rules and checks the code against it. 

  • If you're an admin, an architect or a release manager, here you can verify that all the team is using the Live Check
  • You can easily check the team's productivity, how often do they check for issues, on which days are they coding and doing the checks, and you can also compare individual developer's activity
  • You can also monitor if issues are being fixed from one scan to another
  • You can check which issues are detected the most, and if needed - propose a training for your team

Learn more at Live Check Activity view.

  • We now offer full support for the ServiceNow Paris release

Quality Clouds was already able to scan instances on the Paris Early Availability release. We are now adding support for the new Paris plugins, so that changes on plugins on the Paris release will be correctly assigned to their plugin.

We have also updated the list of changes in an Orlando to Paris upgrade from the Early Availability version of Paris to the General Availability version.

Bug fixes

The following bug has been fixed in this release:

  • A bug which was causing the system fields (sys_class_name and sys_mod_count) to be included in the list of fields for scanning custom tables. All the system fields are now filtered out from the scan. 

What's here

Last modified on Sep 8, 2020