Quality Clouds Release Notes

Release date: 17th March, 2021

Quality Clouds for ServiceNow

  • Using Live Check? We've enhanced the out-of-the-box (OOTB) issues detection

Even though we are finding issues in the OOTB elements, we're not going to create them in your Live Check report because fixing an issue on an OOTB element would require further modifications to it, thus making it even less standard. 

When analyzing OOTB elements using Live Check, we check the element on your instance against our own vanilla installation of ServiceNow, and if we find that the issue is there too, we do not report it. 

Find out more about Live Check for ServiceNow.

Quality Clouds for Salesforce

  • Technical debt - you said it and we've listened!

At Quality Clouds we are constantly gathering feedback on the various parameters used to quantify technical debt on our client's environments. In this context, we are making an important change to how the technical debt will be calculated based on the severity of the issues found in the orgs.

What's changing?

Previously the rules with WARNING severity were used in defining the technical debt KPI but after recommendations from some of you, we have decided to exclude the warnings from this KPI.

How will that affect my analysis?

This change will cause a drop in the technical debt values across your orgs. What this means is that the new value will be more actionable and give you a clearer picture of the health of your orgs. 

See more about Technical debt.

What's here

Last modified on Mar 17, 2021