Quality Clouds Release Notes


Release date: 9th March, 2022

New general features and changes 

  • GIT Repository SSH connectivity

Apart from the existing HTTPS connectivity to GIT repositories, now customers can now connect GIT repositories using SSH protocol, and request as many RSA keys as needed through the support service. They just need the Customer Admin role.


  • Salesforce Benchmarks

As the platform is more and more widely used by customers, we are now glad to announce that we have enough critical mass data to provide sound comparison metrics between your Salesforce org/repo and the average of customers, in the following metrics:

    1. Quality of Cloud: how close or far the quality of you org compared to average (the higher the number, the better).
    2. Issues: volume of issues aggregated average.
    3. Technical Debt: amount of hours other orgs have in average.
    4. Lines of code: org size in lines of code in average.
    5. Ratio of elements with issues: the lower the number, the better.
    6. Configuration elements inventory: org size in number of modified and new elements. 

  • Added export to XLS functionality to all Livecheck grids

When navigating by the Livecheck view widgets, selecting the grid list now is possible to export the content for bespoke filtering, grouping and transformations.

  • ServiceNow San Diego release upgradeability impact view

The ServiceNow upgradeability dashboard now includes the San Diego release differences. This view helps to identify the elements that are impacted by San Diego from your instance. These elements are from OOTB ServiceNow inventory and have been modified, so you need to review the changes introduced by San Diego in order to merge them into your modified code and skip the San Diego version.

  • Multiple orgs/repos compare dashboard for Salesforce: up to 4 orgs side by side

This was an existing and very handy view for Architects and DevOps teams to pinpoint differences between instances and apply alignment strategies, and troubleshoot problems. Now is also available for Salesforce. The view contains the main metrics and kpis to quickly assess differences. 

Additionally, is possible to compare orgs/repos in different moments of time, so you can compare how was a branch 1 month ago in relation with today, then you get metrics like the number of lines of code introduced in the period. Specially handy to assess team productivity and trends over time.

  • New notifications widget

Full scan notifications are now also available through the Notification center (small bell icon) with a small red bubble containing the number of new notifications received. You can mark as read one by one, or all in single shot using the extended 3 dots menu at the top right of the window. Notifications can be configured by a Customer Admin role and adjust who receives notifications and which ones.

  • Low-code / Pro-code classification in ruleset

All the rules are now classified depending on the underlying type of element analysed, in order to narrow your Citizen developers now is possible to just activate and calibrate Low-code rules, which are those that don't require programming knowledge and is usually generated through configuration and click&point functions available by the cloud. 

  • Administrator back office history view

For quick review of full scan or feature branch scan results, there is a shortcut through the Admin back office, having the Customer Admin role, under the History menu. This function was originally limited and now has been expanded to support sorting, filtering and added an additional column to check who introduced the issue.

  • Multiple instances dashboard metrics expansion

Added new metrics to the existing Multiple instances view to compare more granularly: number of applications and number of best practices used by the selected scan date. This new metrics provides even more light and governance to changes and variation of results over time. 

What's here

Last modified on Mar 14, 2022