Quality Clouds Release Notes


Release date: June 1st , 2022

New general features and changes 

  • New naming convention ruleset for Salesforce

Naming conventions define a common set of rules that help you deduce useful information from the names of Salesforce components.

It’s not important what your coding conventions are. It’s important that every team member knows what they are and agrees to follow them. Our out of the box recommended conventions can be a good starting point for discussing your own naming conventions with your team.

When you kick-off a new project or you start a maintenance of an existing org, always remember to check and ask whether there is a specific naming conventions in place. If there is, then you can tailor our default out of the box rule conventions to the your own standards, which is better than imposing to the team.

  • New rules for ServiceNow
    1. Detection of groups with their Manager user inactive. Inactive and ghost accounts is a serious business to address, according to most of the cybersecurity recommendations.
    2. Dictionary entries for tables that no longer exist. This is part of the housekeeping process and regular maintenance of your ServiceNow instances.

  • General bug fixes and small improvements
    • Improved the commented code engine detection
    • Improved error logging during Salesforce authentication process through the Admin Portal

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Last modified on Jun 1, 2022