Quality Clouds Release Notes


Release date: September 7th , 2022

New general features and changes 

  • New Quality Gates condition

The Quality Gates Addon now supports the specification of a date to include existing issues in the Quality Gate condition. When activating conditions the 2 rows of issues will count the totals that FAIL the gate and the totals that PASS the gate, this is calculated dynamically. As you move conditions, numbers may vary.

By default the activation date is All times, meaning that the gate conditions are applied to ALL existing issues + all new introduced.

Some useful use cases and benefits are: 

    1. New project/team start. Your focus is to keep the project team focus in not introducing new issues (and avoid looking at the existing ones). In this case the recommendation is to establish the activation date of the gate to Today.
    2. Maintenance project/team. Your focus is in fixing production bugs, but you might also like to use the maintenance team spare capacity to clean existing issues. In this case the recommendation can be to set the activation date to a specific date, like current year or semester.
    3. Remediation project/team. Your focus is in a get well project, to clean all existing technical debt. In this case the recommendation is set activation date to All times, or by chunks using dates.

This setting can be found under the Administration portal, selecting instance and editing.

  • Debt Manager Scan Launcher

Debt Manager is used to track issues introduced in your instances and detected by the full scan. Depending on your schedule, the issues might be outdated, so now we added a widget on the top right side informing when was the last full scan executed, and a button to instantly trigger. If the scan is older than 1 week, you will see red colours otherwise green.

  • Debt Manager and Quality Gates

In case of having the Quality Gates Addon enabled with an Activation date different than All times, the Debt Manager will show the issues under Gate supervision in a different colour, allowing to toggle to just them or all Open (if any).

This is very useful to understand the debt introduced since the activation of the gate. In case you activated the gate using a project initiation date, then you can track what has been the overall quality of the project team over time.

General bug fixes and small improvements

    • Improved Repository scan engine performance.
    • Added status of the rule when editing: Ignored/Default.

What's here

Last modified on Sep 8, 2022