Setting up your Quality Clouds app for Salesforce


In order to set up Quality Clouds app in SalesFore you need your QC user name auth token. 

→ To copy the auth token

  1. Log in to QC portal as QC Admin.
  2. Go to Customer> User
  3. Select the API tab.
  4. Enabled the Personal flag. 

  5. Disable the Enabled flag. 

  6. Reset the token and copy it.

Setting up in SalesForce

→ To set up your QC app for SalesForce

  1. Click Setup.
  2. Type Custom Metadata Type in the Quick Find/Search box text.
  3. Click Manage Records  in Token Quality Clouds.

  4. Edit the Token Org.

  5. Insert the token (previously copied in the QC portal) in the Token field prefixing with the text Bearer. (Example: Bearer .....exampleTokenQC)

Runnning your first scan

→ To run your first scan

  1. Go to the Quality Clouds app. 
  2. Go to Scans tab. 
  3. Click Launch Scan.
  4. Insert the user credentials: Password+Token* without space (Example: "passwordUserTokenUser")

Running new scans

When you click the Launch Scan button, the scan just launched is not visible. In order to view the scan in the list you must click the button Refresh.  It updates the status and the list of the scans.

If a scan is running, click Refresh to confirm if the scan has been completed. 


*Security Token of the user, retrievable following these steps:

  1. Click on your account in your Salesforce instance
  2. My Settings
  3. Personal
  4. Reset My Security Token
  5. It will send an email with the token

What's here

Last modified on Nov 28, 2019