
Check all the elements modified in the instance that impact upgradeability. The more elements you have listed, the more difficult you next ServiceNow upgrade will be. This includes the out of the box (OOTB) elements and the configuration elements (CEs) delivered by default and modified in the instance.

Make sure you keep the list to the minimum, and pay special attention to elements with scripts.

Ways to use this view

  • If you're an architect, platform owner or an executive, here you can understand the impact of next ServiceNow release (every 6 months) on your existing instance.

  • This view also provides the inventory of out-of-the-box (OOTB) modified elements that are impacted by the new release and will require effort to merge.

What data is shown

The  Upgradeability view shows the following information:

OOTB modified elements 

In the OOTB (out of the box) modified elements section, you can see the information on how your instance is customized by modifying OOTB elements. 

You can filter this section by active and inactive configuration elements to see which ones and how many are really used. 


The widget shows you the following elements:

  • OOTB (out of the box) modified elements shows the total number of all elements delivered out of the box in a clean ServiceNow instance and modified by you. The more elements you have listed, the more difficult you next ServiceNow upgrade will be.
  • % Variation shows the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan.
  • Previous scan shows the metric information from the previous scan.
  • Inactive OOTB shows the number of out of the box elements modified in inactive configuration elements. 
  • Trend (overtime) shows the progress of the metric over time.

Trend - OOTB modified elements over time

The trend show you the progression of OOTB elements over time.


OOTB modified elements by developer

The graph shows the number of OOTB modified elements per developer. 

OOTB modified elements by CE type

The graph shows the number of OOTB modified elements per CE type. 

OOTB modified elements by application

The graph shows the number of OOTB modified elements per instance application. 


See the list of all CE types and CE names modified out of the box.

You can sort the table columns to see, for example, the Active column to see only active OOTB elements.

The list of the OOTB elements does not cover modification to account tables and dictionaries.

CEs affected by next upgrade 

In the CEs affected by future upgrade section, you can see the information on how your instance is customized by modifying the configuration elements (CEs). 


The widget shows you the following elements:

  • CEs (configuration elements) affected by next upgrade shows the total number of all configuration elements delivered out of the box in a clean ServiceNow instance and modified by you. The more elements you have listed, the more difficult you next ServiceNow upgrade will be.
  • % Variation shows the main metric difference in percentage between the current and the previous scan.

Grid - Current and future releases

Here you can compare your current ServiceNow version with all versions released afterwards, and identify potential code and other conflicts. 

For every release available you can see the number and details of the following elements:

    • Code conflicts - here you can compare your code to the out-of-the-box (OOTB) code included in the new version. 
    • Other conflicts - here you can check for any dependency conflicts resulting from upgrading to the next version.

Graph - CEs affected by upgrade by developer

The graph shows the number of CEs affected by future upgrade per each developer. 

Last modified on Apr 14, 2021